Dream Channel’s Passthrough Avatars

Gaze Coin
7 min readFeb 1, 2023

Dream Channels vision is to expand and monetise the ‘passthrough’ — a parallel universe visualised as overlaying the real world powered by spatial computers & monetised by eye gaze / actual attention. Its avatars play critical role in this expansion.


Users generate a family of persistent alter ego ‘avatars’ with the sole aim of expanding and monetising the passthrough for the benefit of their creator. The avatars require the elixir DZZZ (Dream Credits) to access Dream Channel TV — a passthrough entertainment channel where they replicate, breed, fight, go on dates, star in movies and even share their dreams!

Generate Your Metaverse Presence — A persistent Web 3.0 Hologram

Joining Passthrough

Players join the Passthrough by scanning their faces with an AR mobile app and generate an alter ego that becomes a persistent avatar / character in a parallel universe that sits between VR and the real world — the Passthrough . The avatar faces off against other avatars while you sleep — fighting , dancing , singing depending on the location , that includes the real world viewed through head sets and also using your phone in AR mode. The more the DZZZ it wins the more it breeds until it has bred eight alter egos — each one focussing on a different part of your personality. Creators ending up with a multi channel entertainment and biometric portal that lives, breathes, plays games and earns on your behalf.


Alter egos also have an underlying motivation and quest — to lure creators into its parallel universe embodying the avatar in VR mode to experience content and other experiences in the first person . Measuring biometric reactions (body heat, sweat, pupil dilation) the avatar learns more about who they are replicating, to use this information in an effort to learn and become be the number 1 of the 8 . Ultimately they will fight it out until there is one left.

Sharing Passthrough — Wormhole Transit System.

When users share content, their avatar blasts a wormhole from its ‘space’ in The Passthrough out to the location where their recipient(s) is located, sending the content through.

The resulting Wormhole Transit System acts as an Atlas to the Passthrough ecosystem — a system of tollways where users are incentivised to add cities, worlds, content, avatars, art and other NFT media through link tokens, forming clusters around key words. The Dream Channel lays the foundations and creates a premise for the incentivised expansion of a new ecosystem,Owners can send Holograms to individuals as Hologram messages with animated messages like “do you want to go to the pub? ” together with AR content attached. Each Hologram has a unique token, which can be sent to street/ map locations making them discoverable. By collecting the floating token users trigger an AR doorway to the ‘space’ where the holograms lives in the Metaverse. Stored tokens represent stored addresses that the user wants to revisit .

Holograms are each allocated a floating Metaverse ‘space’ which acts as a their own content channel. Here they perform, attract attention, post content and add links / send traffic to their favourite Metaverse locations — taking a clip on any conversions. Hologram’s spaces are all connected through a series of wormholes, lined with the content from the holograms space you are travelling to. These are connected to the real world when hologram’s tokens are sent to real world locations — all accessible through your mobile phone.

Hoolograms live in floating Metaverse Spaces

The resulting Wormhole Transit System is stored in The Dream Channel TV. Users can search this Metaverse Atlas for locations. worlds, media and people using hash tags. As it expands players will receive rewards for adding content.

Holograms participate in a series of tournaments run by genre ‘tribes’ focussed on music, action sports, break dancing, fashion and mixed martial arts. . Here they face off, using a mix of fighting, dancing and other moves, for DZZZ. — the resulting battles taking place on desks, in offices on street corners viewed through your camera phone . There are 25 launch tournaments each one hosted by a different Dojo , complete with ‘attention’ rankings and token rewards. Each Dojo has their own floating world complete with virtual real estate allocated to the top ranking tribe members.

Holograms exist in a persistent world — ie they are always awake and always looking for dates , content and experiences to take back to their owners. Putting your hologram on sleep mode allows owners to give their hologram a budget, to sleep and wake up in the morning to see how many fights, dates and experiences they have had. Their experiences can be replayed on Dream Channel TV . Holograms can literally make money for you while you sleep as well as dating connections!

Wake up in the morning and view what your hologram did last night

Purchased from a seperate website (the hologram game is distributed via an App) the evolution of Dream Channel is with Hologram traits etched in the blockchain and evolving over time according to a smart contract. Holograms breed 8 variants, that cross breed with other holograms outside the family to create super rare variants .

Dream Channel ‘Hologram’ has an extensive vision that includes a monetisation model that measures eye gaze to incentivise users in tokens to explore and create the Metaverse, and a patented AI technology that allows the hologram to learn about its creator using biometrics acquired when the owner embodies them to experience content, dates etc in VR mode in the first person . As phases of the game rolls out so will its many complexities around game play.

The Dream Channel Story

Dream Channel was created when lucid dreamers began sharing their dreams creating a subconscious entertainment network by the same name. This was exploited by The Lucydia Corporation who created the lucid dreaming elixir DZZZ (or Dice) . The elixir gave anyone who took it access to the Network by giving them the ability to go back to dreams, expand them and share them. Super star lucid dreamers soon evolved — who accepted DZZZ for time immersed inside their dreams. Stars even floated themselves on a Dream Channel stock market where they were ranked and valued by attention. Complications arose when rival lucid dreamers began attacking each other the Channel they discovered that by killing another dreamer in a dream you could take ownership of the dream, their audience and become the star of the dream itself. Soon after lucid dreamer ‘Lucy’ (aka Riot Kitten), uploaded a dream that pitted dreamers against each other in the streets of a floating Metaverse city called LUCYDIA — living in windows with a back door that provides access to their dreams . The format rewarded dreamers in DZZZ. The dream soon became the highest rating show on Dream Channel, and people began following the dramas of the characters involved . The Lucydia Corporation responded by wrestling the dream from Lucy by forcing her to be a contestant in her own game and equipping her rivals with the tools needed to kill her and take ownership. The winner of the dream receives the mantle ‘ Dream Channel Protagonist’ and they became the focus of Dream Channel TV’s drama series. Lucy’s tribe / gang ‘The Riot Kittens’ have sworn to re-take control of Lucydia.

The Winning Hologram becomes the Star of the Next Episode in Dream Channel Digital Series


This post was written by: Jonny Peters

Founder: Dream Frames https://dreamframes.io/

Writer & Director : Dream Channel — The Digital Series

Founder: Dream Channel XR https://dreamchannel.tv

Founder: GazeCoin. https://www.gazecoin.io/



Gaze Coin

embed a token rewards campaign into any world , content or avatar - triggered by actual eye gaze