GazeCoin Staking

Gaze Coin
3 min readMay 5, 2021

Stake or Zap straight from ETH, get rewarded in GAZE — Simple!

GazeCoin staking rewards are about to go live with 1 million GAZE locked up, set to be released over the next 24 months! With our staking liquidity, we wanted to make it as simple and rewarding as we could for everyone wishing to contribute — some rewards for your commitment as we build out the GazeCoin Metaverse.

Here’s what you need to know to get started staking with us. All the info to get your LP locked up safe and your wallet stacking rewards. We’ve also made staking easier than ever with the Zap function — so we’ll go through how it all works and what you’ll need to do to take part.

The Numbers

As stated, up to 1 million GAZE will be linked up to our SushiLP farm with a release schedule of 24 months. At beginning, it is 130,000 in the first month — starting at 5000 a day then dropping after two weeks. Every fortnight the rewards drops by about 5% give or take, going towards 0 in two years time. Every contributor instantly begins generating their share of these rewards when they begin staking and can claim rewards as they go — potentially compounding your rewards as you earn them.

How to start staking LP — the “classic” method

To take part in our rewards, you’re going to need to provide Sushi LP tokens to our staking contract. We’ve given you a couple of options on how to do that, so we’ll start with the more traditional method — providing liquidity directly to SushiSwap.

To do this, you’ll need an equal amount of ETH and GAZE within your wallet. Head to SushiSwap directly and add liquidity to the token pair pool for GAZE-ETH. You will be rewarded with an amount of SushiLP into your wallet depending on the value of the token pair you contributed. This SushiLP token is what you then bring to GazeCoin staking — locking it up via our contract. LP can be unstaked in the same manner, should you wish to take them out of the farming contract.

Quick and easy — Zap right in

Zapping is a function we’ve implemented to take much of the hassle out of the staking process. Essentially, Zap carries out all of the actions outlined above via smart contract. You can just contribute ETH, have Zap do it’s thing and be comfortably staked and collecting rewards in GAZE in no time.

When you send your ETH to the Zap contract half is used to immediately buy GAZE, then that equal weighting is automatically provided as liquidity to SushiSwap. Instant LP tokens. Zap then goes a step further to ensure your LP is staked correctly within our GazeCoin Staking contract. All the benefits, far less clicking.

Stake GazeCoin here

Buy GazeCoin on Sushiswap here

Start date is Midnight 13th May . There is a soft launch on right now, with small amount of bonus rewards to get started today before the rewards jump to 5k per day

*Note* — We consider Zapping an “Advanced” method. Due to the nature of the multiple contracts utilized by Zap, slippage tolerance and gas fees must be managed correctly. Please join us in the GazeCoin Discord if you have any questions.



Gaze Coin

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